Ask a nurse


Ask a nurse

Our breast care nurses are just a phone call away

Do you have questions or concerns about breast cancer or breast health? Our specialist breast cancer nurses are available weekdays from 9am - 4:30pm to take your call, whether you have breast cancer, are supporting someone with breast cancer, or just want to know more about your breast health.

Simply call 0800 BC NURSE (0800 226 8773), it's free!

If the advice line is unattended, please leave a message and our nurses will return your call as soon as they can. The advice line is not attended on the weekend so please email any questions you have over this time, and include your daytime contact number if you'd like a phone call.

While we welcome your call, this service should not replace the advice of your medical practitioner. We strongly encourage you to have any breast changes promptly checked out by your doctor.

If you want to find a particular breast cancer service, product or support group, please search our national online service directory.

If you are hard of hearing, you are very welcome to reach out via email.


All calls to our advice line are free and will be treated in the strictest confidence. The breast care nurses use any personal information (such as name and address) provided by you only for the purposes of dealing with your enquiry. They will not pass on your details to anyone else without your permission, except when required by law in order to protect the rights, property or safety of any member of the public.